The Accrual Type Code Maintenance window is used to create and maintain accrual type codes. Accrual types will display on payroll checks and are used to classify the accruals attached to an employee record.
When an accrual is attached to an employee record (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Accrual), an accrual type is attached to the accrual line item. Each accrual type can only be attached to the employee record once. For example, if you attach an accrual to the employee record to calculate flex time and attach it to an accrual type titled FLEX, you cannot add another accrual to the employee record using the FLEX accrual type code. This ensures that you don’t accidentally add more than one accrual of the same accrual type to the employee record. When payroll checks are generated, the accrual amount will be totaled by accrual type on the check. In the example above, the payroll check would display the accrued flex time hours totaled by the FLEX accrual type.
The Accrual Type Maintenance window is also used to set up which accrual types will display on the check. You can create an unlimited number of accrual types, but only seven can display on standard checks stubs. If you would like to calculate accruals on the employee records but not display them on the payroll checks, you can set up an accrual type that does not display on the checks. When you attach the accrual to the employee record, attach it to an accrual type that is set up so it will not display on the payroll check.
Step by Step
1 View the accrual types.
- Open the Accrual Type Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Accrual Type).
- The Accrual Type Maintenance window will display all of the accrual type codes. Highlight an accrual type code in the left section of the window and the fields in the Maintenance section will populate the information attached to the highlighted accrual type code.
- Highlight an accrual type and press DELETE or click the Delete icon to delete the selected accrual type.
- You cannot delete accrual types that are attached to employees (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Accruals tab> Select an accrual> Accrual Type field).
- Press INSERT or click the Create icon to create a new accrual type code.
2 Create or modify an accrual type code.
- Enter an accrual type code in the Type field. The value in this field must be unique.
- You cannot modify the value in the Type field after the accrual type code has been created and saved.
- Check the Show on check toggle if you would like the accrual type code to display on the check.
- This toggle can only be checked on seven accrual type codes.
- Press ENTER or click the Save icon to save the accrual type code when complete.