The 1099-Rs process is used to generate and print 1099-Rs. The employees included in the batch can be filtered by department and reporting group. If a specific employee in a department or reporting group should not be included in the batch, you can remove specific employees from the batch using the Edit step (PR> 1099-Rs> Edit). If you need to create a 1099-R from scratch (rather than using the paychecks made out to an employee to determine the gross distribution), you can create 1099-Rs using the Edit step (PR> 1099-Rs> Edit).
Below is the form that should be used with the process and is available from our form supplier, SOLV Group. If you have any questions regarding the form, contact SOLV Group at You can also download this Customer Connect Site User Guide from SOLV for information on how to place an order.
- #LRA/B/C/2/D1 --LASER 1099 R Forms - 2 Up pre-printed form. Copies A, B, C, 2 or D1, two reports per 8 ½ x 11 page. Requires one print run for each copy filed. Uses envelope #DWMR below.
- #DWMR(S) --Double Window ENVELOPES - Displays employer and recipient name and address. For use with the Laser Forms LMA & LRA above. DWMRS is a self seal envelope.
Springbrook will test the 2025 1009-R process using only the above form. If you do not order your forms from SOLV Group, check the format of the form above to make sure your forms are compatible.
The employee history that is included in the 1099-R batch is selected by the check date or batch date of the Computer Checks batch used to generate the payroll transactions. If you select batch date, the batch month and batch year attached to the Computer Checks batch will be used to select the transactions. For example, payroll checks processed in a Computer Checks batch with a batch month and batch year of 12/2024, a check date of 01/15/25, and a JE Date of 01/15/25, will be included in calendar year 2024. If the batch month and batch year is 01/2025, the checks in that batch will be included in calendar year 2025.
Step by Step
1 Open or create a 1099-Rs batch.
- The 1099-Rs process is a single batch process, meaning you can process only one batch at a time.
- If there is an open batch in the 1099-Rs process, you will not be able to create a new batch. If you would like to create a new batch, you can either delete the existing batch (highlight the batch in the batch number drop-down at the top of the 1099-Rs palette and press DELETE), or you can reset the steps on the palette by returning to the first step of the process. If you return to an earlier step of the process, all of the information in the previous batch will be overwritten.
- If there are no open batches in the process and you would like to create a new batch, select New in the batch number drop-down menu at the top of the palette. This will open the New Batch window. The batch number, batch month and batch year of the batch will not affect the 1099-Rs that are generated in the process. The batch information is for reference purposed only.
2 Generate the 1099-Rs.
- The Generate step is used to select the employees to include in the batch by department and reporting group. After the employees have been selected, you can remove specific employees from the batch using the Edit step.
- Any 1099-R data already created in the batch (for example, if the 1099-R batch is on the Proof List step) will be overwritten when the Generate step is processed.
- Open the Generate window (PR> 1099-R> Generate).
- The Calendar Year field is used to enter the calendar year of the 1099-Rs generated in the batch.
- The Calendar Year field will default to the current year minus one. For example, if the current date is 01/15/25, the Calendar Year field will display 2024.
- The Date to Use drop-down menu is used to select which date will be used to select the payroll checks included in the batch.
- Select Check if you would like to select the payroll checks by check date. All payroll checks with a check date during the year selected in the Calendar Year field will be included in the batch.
- The check date is set during the Checks step of the Computer Checks process (PR> Computer Checks> Checks> Check Date field).
- Select Batch if you would like to select payroll checks by the batch month and batch year of the Computer Checks batch used to create the checks. For example, payroll checks processed in a Computer Checks batch with a batch month and batch year of 12/2024, a check date of 01/15/25, and a JE Date of 01/15/25 will be included in the calendar year 2024 1099-Rs batch. If the batch month and batch year is 01/2025, the checks in that batch will be included in calendar year 2025.
- The batch date is set when the batch is created using the New Batch window.
- Select Check if you would like to select the payroll checks by check date. All payroll checks with a check date during the year selected in the Calendar Year field will be included in the batch.
- The Reporting Group field is used to process 1099-Rs for a specific reporting group. Click the Reporting Group field to select a reporting group from a list.
- Reporting groups are created and maintained using the Reporting Groups Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Reporting Groups). Employees are attached to reporting groups on the Reporting Groups Maintenance window.
- The Federal ID Number field will display the federal tax identification number of your organization.
- The federal tax identification number is set up using the System Setup window (SS> Utilities> System Setup> General tab> Fed Tax ID field).
- The Include and Department columns are used to filter the employees in the batch by the department attached to their employee record.
- Check the Include toggle next to each department you would like to include in the batch.
- Departments are attached to employee records using the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> General tab> Department field).
- Departments are created and maintained in the System Setup module (SS> Maintenance> Department Maintenance).
- Running the Generate step will overwrite all 1099-Rs already generated in the batch.
- Press ENTER or click the Confirm icon to generate the 1099s immediately, or enter a time and date in the field next to the Confirm icon to schedule the 1099s to generate at a later time.
- You can view the progress of the Generate step on the Job Viewer window (Jobs Viewer icon from the main desktop or SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs). If the Generate step has been scheduled to process at a later time, you can view the scheduled date and time in the Scheduled Date/Time field.
3 Edit the 1099-Rs.
- The Edit step is used to edit the generated 1099-Rs, or remove specific employees from the batch.
- Open the 1099-R Selection window (PR> 1099-R> Edit).
- All of the employees selected in the Generate step will display in the 1099-R Selection window. You can add, modify and delete 1099-Rs using this window.
- Highlight a record and press DELETE or click the Delete icon to delete the selected 1099-R. This will remove the 1099-R from the batch.
- Press INSERT or click the Create icon to create a 1099-R from scratch.
- Highlight a record and click the Modify icon or press ENTER to view the actual 1099-R form.
- It is highly recommended that you review each 1099-R. The 1099-R Proof List (PR> 1099-R> Proof List) will only display the gross distribution, federal taxes withheld, state distribution and state taxes withheld.
- The Date of Payment field is used to specify the date payment was made for reportable death benefits. This is an optional field and should only be used when reporting the payment of death benefits to the IRS.
- 1099-R check boxes like the Total distribution (Section 2b) check box will need to be manually entered. Select Yes in the Total Distribution drop-down to place a check in the Total Distribution box.
- Click the Refresh icon if you would like to restore the fields on the window to the last time the 1099-R was saved.
- Press ENTER or click the Save icon when complete to save the 1099-R.
- Click the Exit icon in the Edit 1099-R Print File window when complete. This will return you to the 1099-R Selection window.
4 Print a Proof List.
- The Proof List Report displays the gross distribution, federal taxes withheld, state distribution and state taxes withheld on each 1099-R in the batch.
- Open the Proof List window (PR> 1099-R> Proof List).
- Click the Print icon to process the report immediately or enter a date and time in the field next to the Print icon to schedule the report to generate at a later time. You can view the progress of the report on the Job Viewer window (SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs).
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Print Preview to preview the report before printing.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Once the report is generated, you can also display the report using the View Reports window (SS> Utilities> View Report).
5 Print the 1099-Rs.
- The Print step on the 1099-Rs palette is used to process the print job. Once the Print job is complete, you can open the generated forms using the Jobs Viewer window (Jobs Viewer icon on main desktop) or the View Reports window (SS> Utilities> View Reports). You can then select a printer (the printer where you have loaded the forms), the number of pages that should be printed (we recommend printing just a few to make sure the alignment is correct before printing the entire batch), and then print the forms. If the alignment of the forms on the page is incorrect, you may have to regenerate the forms using a different form offset on the Print step on the 1099-Rs palette.
- Open the Forms window (PR> 1099-Rs> Print).
- The Form Offset field is used to adjust the alignment of the forms on the page. Increase or decrease the value in the Form Offset field to change the top margin of the forms.
- Start with a form offset of zero and then increase the value if the forms do not align properly on the page.
- Press ENTER or click the Print icon to generate the forms immediately, or enter a time and date in the field next to the Print icon to schedule the report to generate at a later time.
- This only generates the forms, it will not print the forms. After the forms have been generated, you can print them out at any printer.
- You can view the progress of the report on the Job Viewer window (Jobs Viewer icon from the main desktop or SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs). Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.
- Once the forms have been generated, you can print them out.
- Double click on the Forms job in the Jobs Viewer. This will open a print preview window of the 1099-Rs.
- Click the Print icon to print the forms immediately or enter a date and time in the field next to the Print icon to schedule the forms to print at a later time.
- Before printing the forms on the blank 1099-R forms, print one or two forms on blank pages to verify the top of the form alignment is correct. If the form alignment is incorrect, regenerate the forms using a different form offset (PR> 1099-Rs> Print> Form Offset field).
- Once the alignment seems correct, load the blank 1099-R forms into the printer and print a few 1099-Rs, rechecking the alignment. If the copies look correct, print the batch.
- Review the printed 1099-Rs for accuracy.
6 Export the 1099-Rs.
- Organizations that generate more than 100 1099-Rs are required to file electronically. The Export step is used to generate the required electronic file.
- For additional information regarding 1099-R electronic submission requirements, please see IRS Publication 1220 at:
- Select the Export Type that will be exported. The IRS accepts both the Information Return Intake System (IRIS System) or File Information Returns Electronically System (FIRE).
- The Your Name, Your Email, Phone, and Extension fields are used to identify who is generating the export file.
- The TCC field is used to enter the Transmission Communication Code assigned to your organization by the IRS. This is the same TCC number used for filing other 1099s.
- The Your Name, Phone, and TCC fields are all required.
- Check the Create as test file toggle to generate a test 1099-R export file that can be submitted through the IRS FIRE Test System.
- Check the Combine state and federal toggle if your organization participates in the Combined Federal/State Filing Program (CF/SF).
- Check the Allow Employees with no Employee Number toggle to include employees who do not have employee records in Springbrook.
- If an employee included in the 1099R batch does not have an employee number in Springbrook, the export file will display the employee name entered on the Edit step for that data row.
- The export file includes:
- "T" Record - Transmitter of the electronic file.
- "A" Record - Payer or institution making payments, the type of document being reported, and other miscellaneous information.
- Multiple "B" records - Payee, specific payment amounts, and information pertinent to the form.
- "C" record - Summary of payee "B" records and money amounts for each payer per type of return.
- "K" records - Summary of State totals if the file includes records from multiple states and the Combine state and federal toggle is checked. Each state will have a separate "K" record.
- "F" record - End of transmission.
- Click the Confirm icon when you are ready to generate the export file. This will close the Export window and send the job to Jobs Viewer.
- Open the Jobs Viewer to check on the status of the export.
- The 1099-R export line will display PR 1099Rs in the Batch Type column and Export / 1099Rs in the Description column.
- If the export file generates successfully, the Status column will display as Complete.
- Double click on the 1099-R line item to enter an export path for the file and complete the export process.
- If the export file did not generate successfully, the Status column will display as Review.
- Highlight the 1099-R line item and click the Detailed Error Messages icon to open the Errors window and review the export file.
- By examining the error details, you can see which records in the export caused the Stop Errors so they can be addressed and the file can be generated successfully.
7 Clear the 1099-Rs in the batch if you need to generate them for another department or reporting group.
- Before you clear the 1099-Rs in the batch, make sure the printed version of the forms are correct.
- Select Clear 1099-Rs from the 1099-Rs palette. This will open an information window.
- Answer Yes and the batch will be cleared.