The Resenquence Meters window is used to update the sequence in which meters are read. This process can be used to correct sequence entry errors that occurred when the sequence was first established, to insert new meters into an existing route sequence, and to update a sequence for efficiency or meter reader preference.
This process is generally run only if the meter reader changed the read sequence while conducting the meter reads. After the new meter reads are imported into the system, the same meter read file is used to update the meter sequence in the application.
Step by Step
1 Open the Resequence Meter window (UB> Meter Management> Resequence).
2 Resequence the meters.
- The Configuration drop-down menu is used to select a user-configured import file or to select Non-Configurable if your organization uses a third-party meter layout.
- User-configured import files are created and maintained on the Import Configuration Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Import Configuration).
- Select the meter manufacturer layout you would like to resequence from the Layout drop-down menu.
- Click VIEW LAYOUT/FORMAT below to display the expected file format of the selected manufacturer.
- The Select File button is used to browse for the import file. You can also drag the import file and drop it in the area to the right of the button
- Click the Submit button to import the meter reading file and update the meter sequence in the application.