The Miscellaneous Charges window is used to create a billing on all Active status UB customer accounts within selected billing cycles using an adjustment type code. The billing will default to the flat amount attached to the fee codes of the selected adjustment type, but you can modify the billing from the default amount. If you would like to create a billing using a fee code rather than an adjustment type code, create the billing in the Input Billing window (UB> Adjustments and Fees> Input> Add button> Select billing).
If there is a receipt or account alert set up on the adjustment type code used to create the charge (UB> Maintenance> Adjustment Type> Account alert or Receipt alert toggles), the alert will be attached to the UB customer accounts when the charges are committed. The alert windows will display when either the account is opened (UB> Maintenance> Account) or a receipt is entered (Cash Entry window). For example, if you are charging NSF fees on customer accounts, you can add alerts to the NSF adjustment type code to create an alert on the UB customer accounts processed in the batch. If you process the billing using the Input Billing window (UB> Adjustments and Fees> Input> Add button> Select billing) instead of the Miscellaneous Charges window, you will not be able to add alerts to the customer accounts in the batch. The Input Billing window creates a billing using a fee code and alerts are attached to adjustment types.
After the miscellaneous charges have been generated on UB customer accounts they will display on billing statements the next time a New Billing batch (UB> New Billing) is run on the billing cycles included in the Miscellaneous Charges process. The miscellaneous billing will create adjustment type transactions on the statements and UB customer accounts.
After the miscellaneous charges have been generated in the Miscellaneous Charges window, you can delete or modify the charges on each UB customer account using the Input step of the Adjustments and Fees process (UB> Adjustments and Fees> Input).
Step by Step
1 Create an Adjustments and Fees batch.
- Open the Adjustments and Fees Batches window (UB> Adjustments and Fees). The Batches window will display all the open Adjustments and Fees batches.
- Click the Create New Batch button to create a new batch. This will open the Create Batch window.
- The Bill Service Requests process will overwrite the transactions entered into an existing batch, so you must create a new Adjustments and Fees batch.
- Enter a Batch Month and Batch Year. These fields will default to the current calendar period and calendar year and are used for reference only. The batch month and batch year do not affect the transaction or journal entry date of the transactions in the batch.
- The fiscal period the transactions in the batch are posted to is determined by the Journal Entry date entered when creating the GL Distribution report (UB> Adjustments and Fees> GL Distribution).
- Click Create to create the new Adjustments and Fees batch.
2 Open the Batch Overview page.
3 Create a miscellaneous charge.
- Open the Miscellaneous Charges step of the Adjustments and Fees process (UB> Adjustments and Fees> Miscellaneous Charges).
- Select the cycles you would like to apply the miscellaneous charge to in the Cycles field.
- The miscellaneous charge will be applied to all Active status customer accounts in the selected billing batches.
- Click Select All or Unselect All to select or deselect all the displayed cycles.
- After the miscellaneous charges have been created they will display in the Input step of the Adjustments and Fees process. From the Input window you can delete and modify the miscellaneous charges applied to each UB customer account.
- The Transaction Date field is used to enter the transaction date of the miscellaneous charges.
- The journal entry date of the transactions in the batch will be assigned during the GL Distribution step (UB> Adjustments and Fees> GL Distribution).
- The post date of the transactions in the batch will be assigned to the current date when the batch is committed in UB> Adjustments and Fees> Commit.
- The Adjustment Type field is used to select the adjustment type code that will be used to generate the charges.
- Adjustment type codes are created and maintained on the Adjustment Type Code Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Adjustment Type Codes).
- The service in the Charge This Service field on the fee codes attached to the adjustment type code (UB> Maintenance> Fee Code> Charge This Service field) must be attached to the UB customer accounts selected in the Cycles field. If the service is not attached to a UB customer account included in the batch you will receive an error message in the Jobs Viewer and no transactions will be display in the Input step (UB> Adjustments and Fees> Input).
- After the adjustment type code has been selected the fee codes attached to the adjustment type code will populate in the Fee field.
- The Description field is used to add a description to the adjustment transactions created by the process.
- The Fees grid will display the fees attached to the adjustment type code selected in the Adjustment Type field.
- Fees are attached to adjustment type codes in the Adjustment Type Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Adjustment Type> Fee Code field).
- The fee codes attached to the adjustment type will determine the GL accounts used to assess the charges.
- The Amount field will default to the flat amount set up on the fee code.
- Click in the Amount field to change the amount of the miscellaneous charge.
- Click the Submit button to generate the transactions.
4 Delete or modify the miscellaneous charges using the Input step of the Adjustments and Fees process.
- Open the Input window (UB> Adjustments and Fees> Input). This window will display all of the charges generated by the Miscellaneous Charges process.
- Select a charge and click the Delete button to remove the charge from the UB customer account.
- Select a charge and click the Edit button to modify the charge amount. This will open the Cash Receipt Maintenance window and display the charge information.
- Modify the amount in the Amount column in the Details section to change the charge amount. Changing the charge on one UB customer account will not affect the charges on the other customer accounts in the batch.
- Click the Save button when complete.
5 Commit the Adjustments and Fees batch.
6 Bill the miscellaneous charges.
- Create a New Billing batch on the billing cycle that miscellaneous charges were applied to in UB> New Billing.
- When a New Billing is processed, the miscellaneous charges will display on the billing statements as adjustment type transactions.