Customer Payment Portal - Usage
The Usage page is used to display historical usage data and to compare usage from one year to another.
- The top section of the Usage page displays the monthly usage for each year of activity on the account.
- The Select Service section is used to select which UB service will be displayed in the usage data grid and the usage graph below.
- A default service can be specified in the Default Bill Type section of the Agency Settings > Bill Types page.
- The Select Years toggles are used to select which years are displayed in the usage graph below.
- A configurable usage message will display to the right if the message is set up on My Agency> Messages> Configurable Messages.
- The Grand Total column of the usage data grid displays the total usage for the year.
- The bottom row of the usage data grid displays the total historical usage for each month and the total historical usage overall.
- The bottom section of the Usage page displays a usage graph that citizens will find useful when investigating trends in their usage.
- As changes are made to the Usage History filter above, the usage graph will update to display that usage information.