The Billing Cycle Maintenance window is used to create and maintain billing cycles. A billing cycle is a group of customer accounts that should be billed in the same billing batch. Many of the Accounts Receivable module reports can be filtered by billing batch.
Step by Step
1 View the existing Billing Cycles.
- Open the Billing Cycle Maintenance window (AR> Maintenance> Billing Cycles).
- The Billing Cycle Maintenance window will display all of the billing cycles that have been created in the application.
- Select a billing cycle in the data grid and Edit Billing Cycle section to the right can be used to update the selected billing cycle.
- Click DELETE to delete a selected billing cycle. You cannot delete billing cycles that are attached to AR accounts.
- Click on the Create button to create a new billing cycle.
2 Create a Billing Cycle.
- Enter a billing cycle code in the Billing Cycle field. This code must be three numeric characters. This field will not be available for editing after the billing cycle has been saved.
- Enter a description in the Description field. The Description can be up to 60 alphanumeric characters.
- Click the Save button to save the billing cycle.