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FA Query Manager Report

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The Query Manager is a powerful and flexible reporting tool used to create and/or run user-defined reports.

The Query Manager feature has two steps; create a report template using the Reporting Tools palette (FA> Reporting Tools> Query Manager), and then generate the report using the Reports palette (FA >Reports> Query Manager).

Step by Step

1     Open the Fixed Asset Query Manager window (FA> Reports> Query Manager).

  • The Query Manager window allows you to build a report that includes a broad range of user-defined information.


2     Select a report template from the General Tab. 

  • Select a Query Manager template name in the Report Name drop-down menu.
    • Query Manager templates are created and maintained in the Query Manager Maintenance window (FA> Reporting Tools> Query Manager> Create icon).
  • The Print To and Orientation fields will automatically populate with the information associated with the selected Report Name.


3     Print the report or adjust the filter settings. 

  • The AssetStatus/LocationTransactionAccount and Miscellaneous tabs will automatically populate with the filter information designated when the selected report template was created. This allows you to create a report template with detailed filters and then quickly run the report at any point in the future.
  • You can override each of the automatically populated filter fields each time you run the report.


4     Filter the report with the Asset Tab. 

  • The Asset tab allows you to filter the transactions that will be used in the calculation of the debit and credit fields by specific asset information.
    • Click the Asset Type drop-down menu to limit the report to only Regular Assets, only Mass Assets, or All assets.
    • Click the Asset From and Asset To field search buttons to open the Fixed Asset Selection window. Here you can filter the transactions that will be included in the debit and credit fields by a selected range of assets.
    • Enter dollar amounts in the Price From and Price To fields to filter the transactions that will be included in the debit and credit fields.
      • The dollar amount associated with the Price From and Price To fields is maintained in the Fixed Asset Maintenance window (FA> Maintenance> Fixed Asset> General tab> Original Cost field).
    • Select a depreciation configuration in the Depreciates drop-down menu.
      • The depreciation configuration is maintained in the Fixed Asset Maintenance window (FA> Maintenance> Fixed Asset> General tab> Depreciation field).
    • Enter purchase dates in the Purchase From and Purchase To fields.
      • The purchase dates are maintained in the Fixed Asset Maintenance window (FA> Maintenance> Fixed Asset> General tab> Date Purchased field).
    • Enter disposal dates in the Disposal From and Disposal To fields.
      • The disposal dates can be viewed in the Fixed Asset Maintenance window (FA> Maintenance> Fixed Asset> General tab> Date Disposed field).
      • Disposal dates are determined by the Effective Date field in the Dispose Assets window (FA> Disposals> Effective Date field).
    • Click the Class field search button to filter the transactions that will be included in the debit and credit fields by the selected class code.
      • Class codes are created and maintained in the Class Code Maintenance window (FA> Maintenance> Class).


5     Filter the report with the Status/Location Tab.

  • The Status/Location tab allows you to filter the transactions that will be used in the calculation of the debit and credit fields by asset status and location.
    • Select one or more asset statuses in the Status field to filter the transactions that will be included in the debit and credit fields. The status of an asset can be viewed in the Asset Maintenance window (FA> Maintenance> Fixed Asset Maintenance> General tab> Status field).
    • Select one or more asset locations in the Location field to filter the transactions that will be included in the debit and credit fields. The location of an asset can be viewed in the Asset Maintenance window (FA> Maintenance> Fixed Asset Maintenance> General tab> Location field).


6     Filter the report with the Transaction Tab.

  • The Transaction tab allows you to filter the transactions that will be used in the calculation of the debit and credit fields by transaction type and date.
    • Select each Transaction Type field to filter the transactions that will be included in the debit and credit fields. The transaction type of an asset transaction can be viewed in the Asset Maintenance window (FA> Maintenance> Fixed Asset Maintenance> Transaction tab> Transaction column).
      • If you want to report on an asset’s original cost, you should select Install and Original Cost Adjustments because those are the only two processes that affect the original cost field.
      • If you want to report on Depreciation or Accumulated depreciation, you would select Depreciation and Depreciation Adjustment.
    • Select each Action Type that should be included in the report.
    • Enter a date range in the Date From and Date To fields to filter the debit and credit fields by transaction over a date range.
      • If you are reporting on all activity since the installation of the asset you would want to leave this date range blank.
    • Check the Include Uncommitted toggle to include uncommitted transactions in the debit and credit fields.


7     Filter the report with the Account Tab.

  • The Account tab allows you to filter the transactions that will be used in the calculation of the debit and credit fields by general ledger account.
    • Select the account types to include in the report in the Type field. All transactions that affected the general ledger accounts attached to those account types will be pulled into the report.
      • The general ledger accounts attached to an asset can be viewed in FA> Maintenance> Fixed Asset Maintenance> Accounts tab. If you change the general ledger accounts attached to these account types, the historic data that will be pulled into the report will not be affected. The filter selects transactions to be included in the report based on the account type, not the specific general ledger account attached to the account type.
      • If you have split the account type to distribute transaction amounts to multiple general ledger accounts, the transaction portion divided to each GL account will be included in the report.
    • If you want to filter the transactions by a specific general ledger account, or range of accounts, click the Account From and Account To field search buttons   to filter the report by a range of general ledger accounts. This will open a list of general ledger accounts to select from.
    • Check the Include accounts without transactions toggle to include those accounts in the report.


8     Filter the report with the Miscellaneous Tab. 

  • The Miscellaneous tab allows you to filter the transactions that will be included in the calculation of the debit and credit fields by user-defined fields.
    • Miscellaneous field labels are set up using the Miscellaneous Field Labels window (SS> Utilities> Miscellaneous Field Labels).


9     Print the report.

  • Once the required report settings have been specified, click the Print button   to print your report.
  • Click the options arrow on the right side of the Print button to see other print options.
    • Select PDF to print the report in the default Springbrook PDF format.
    • Select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
    • Select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
    • Once a print option is selected, that option will automatically be selected the next time you access the report. For example, if you select Excel from the drop-down menu, the next time you access the report the Excel button   will be displayed by default.
  • Click the Schedule icon next to the Print button in order to schedule the report to generate at a later date and time.
    • Enter a Date and Time to generate the report and click SUBMIT.
  • Users can also regenerate a report with the same configuration as a prior report via the report history section. This can help improve efficiency when an identical report is frequently generated.
    • Once a report has been generated, the date and time it was generated will display in the report history accessed via the Expand Arrow button   on the right side of the window.
    • Expand the report history and click on a previous report record to automatically populate the report criteria with the criteria specified on the previously generated report. This section will display the last three times the report was generated.
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