The Section Type Maintenance window is used to create and maintain section types. Section types are groups of section headers. For example, a section type can be a group of funds. Sections types can be used in the Query Manager Reporting Tool to filter the GL accounts that are included on a report.
You must set up section headers (GL> Maintenance> Section) before you can create section types. Section types are created just like section headers, by fiscal year and section. If you are creating new section types, make sure you are creating the section type in the correct fiscal year and section.
Step by Step
1 Open the Section Type Maintenance window (GL> Maintenance> Section Type).
- Select a Fiscal Year and Section.
- Section types are created by fiscal year and section, so by selecting a fiscal year and section you are filtering the section types that will display in the window.
- The sections that display in the drop-down menu will vary depending on how your chart of accounts is set up. For example, if your GL account format includes three sections: fund, department and account, those three sections will display in the drop-down menu.
- The titles of the sections that display in the drop-down menu are defined using the Miscellaneous Field Labels window (SS> Utilities> Miscellaneous Field Labels> GL Chart table).
- Click the Refresh icon to display the section types after selecting a fiscal year and section.
- The Section Type Maintenance window will display all section types that have been created in the selected fiscal year and section.
- Highlight a section type and press DELETE or click the Delete icon to delete a section type.
- There is no validation when deleting section types.
- Highlight a section type and click the Modify icon to open the selected section type.
2 Create a Section Type.
- Press INSERT to create a new section type. This will open the Section Type Maintenance window.
- Enter a section type code in the Code field.
- The Code field can be up to 10 alphanumeric characters long.
- Enter a section type Description.
- The Description field can be up to 60 alphanumeric characters long.
- Add section headers to the section type.
- Check the toggle of the section headers you would like to add to the section type.
- Press CTRL+A to select all of the toggles in the field. Press SPACE to check or uncheck the selected toggles.
- Section headers are created in GL> Maintenance> Section.
- Press ENTER or click the Save icon to save the section type.