The Setup window in CR> Utilities> Setup is used to set up how the Cash Receipts module will function.
Step by Step
1 Open the Cash Receipts Setup window (CR> Utilities> Setup).
2 Complete the General tab.
- Check the Auto Number Receipts toggle if you want each receipt created in the Cash Entry window to automatically be assigned a receipt number using the next available receipt number. If you would like to enter a receipt number on each receipt, do not check this toggle.
- If the Auto Number Receipts toggle is checked, the Receipt Number field on the Cash entry window will not be enabled.
- If you would like the receipts to begin at a certain receipt number, uncheck the Auto Number Receipts toggle, create a receipt in the Cash Entry window using the receipt number you would like the receipt numbers to being with, and then check the Auto Number Receipts toggle. Receipt generated after the toggle has been checked will have receipt numbers that follow the manually entered receipt number.
- Check the Allow Zero Amount Receipts toggle if you want to allow receipts with a net amount of zero. Zero amount receipts are generally used to adjust the type codes used on CR receipts that have been committed.
- Check the Allow negative amount receipts toggle if you want to allow negative amount receipts. This is generally used to enable negative receipts in the Cash Entry window created using CR module type codes (CR> Maintenance> Type Codes).
- This feature has two general uses: over/short cash drawer adjustments in a Cash Receipts batch, and recording bank fees.
- Create a type code to record over and short amounts on a cash drawer. When the cash drawer is counted, create a receipt in the batch using the over/short type code to record the over/short amount. This will bring the Cash Receipts Proof List into balance with the cash drawer.
- Create a type code to record bank fees. When a bank fee is assessed, create a receipt in a Cash Receipts batch. The fee amount will display in the Bank Reconciliation module so that the bank accounts will be in balance.
- This feature should not be used to make adjustments on customer accounts. Type code transactions will not create a history item on a customer account, so adjustments to customer accounts should be processed through the module in which the invoice was created.
- This feature has two general uses: over/short cash drawer adjustments in a Cash Receipts batch, and recording bank fees.
- Check the Single operator per batch toggle if only one CR operator should create receipts in a single Cash Receipts batch (CR> Cash Receipts). This option is generally only used by organizations that access the Cash Entry window from the Cash Entry menu option on the Cash Receipts palette. If users access the Cash Entry window using the Enter Receipts menu option, users will be able to open and modify receipts that have been created by other users in the batch but they will not be able to create new receipts.
- This setup option only limits the creation of receipts inside a Cash Receipts batch, it does not limit the creation of new batches.
- The single user of a batch is set when a receipt is entered in a batch. Before a receipt is entered in a batch any user can open and access the batch. This allows a manager or user to create batches, but another user to enter receipts in that batch.
- CR operators that are set up as Managers will still be able to create new receipts in batches created by all other operators. CR operators are set up as managers by checking the Manager toggle CR> Maintenance> Operator> Maintenance section.
- If you select this option you should also limit access to the Display Receipts window (CR> Maintenance> Display Receipts) because uncommitted receipts in any open Cash Receipts batch can be modified from that window. You can set menu security on the Display Receipts window using the Menu Security window (SS> Security> Menu Security).
- Check the Warn if GL DR/CR Account same on detail toggle if you would like an alert window to open when a receipt is saved that has a receipt line item with the same GL account set up for the debit and credit account. This feature helps prevent creating a transaction line item that is a wash.
- Checking this toggle will only cause an information window to open, it does not prevent the line item from being saved.
- If there are multiple line items on a receipt that create a net wash on the transaction, the information window will not open. This toggle only applied to single line items on the receipt.
- Check the Show General Ledger accounts toggle if you want the General Ledger account numbers to display on the Details tab of the Cash Receipts Entry window. This will display the debit and credit account on each line item on the receipt.
- Check the Enable multi-bank deposits toggle to use the multi-bank deposits feature. The selection in this toggle will affect the validation of the Cash Entry window in the Cash Receipts module and Receipt Deposits process in the Bank Reconciliation module (BR> Receipt Deposits).
- The multi-bank checking feature is used to associate GL cash accounts with specific bank accounts. Bank accounts are associated with GL accounts on the Associate Reimbursements window (SS> Maintenance> Associate Reimbursements). The multi-bank deposits feature is used to create deposit transactions in the Bank Reconciliation module using the bank accounts associated with the GL cash account on the receipt line items. When the Enable multi-bank deposits toggle is checked, the Cash Entry window will validate to make sure that each GL cash account on a receipt line item (the GL account debited by the line item) is associated with a bank account in the Accounts Payable module. When deposits are created from the Cash Receipts module batches in the Receipt Deposits process (BR> Receipt Deposits), the deposit transactions will be created on the bank accounts associated with the GL cash accounts on the receipt line items.
- If the Enable multi-bank deposits toggle is not checked, the Cash Entry window will not validate to confirm that the GL cash accounts on receipt line items are associated with bank accounts. In this case, the user will be able to select the bank where the deposit transactions will be created in the Receipt Deposits process.
- You can associate multiple bank accounts with multiple GL accounts on the SS Associate Reimbursements window (SS> Maintenance> Associate Reimbursements).
- Check the Project Management (PM) Interface toggle if you will be using the Project Management module in conjunction with Cash Receipts. This will add a Project Management Distribution List to the reports in the Cash Receipts batch process. If you are not sure if you will be using Project Management in conjunction with Cash Receipts, put a check in the box so that the PM Distribution report will be available if needed. If you do not have a check in the box, the report will not be available in the Cash Receipts process and Project information entered into the Cash Receipts module will not post to the Project Management module.
- Check the Show Project Management (PM) info toggle if you want the Project Management Task and Type codes to appear on the Detail tab of the Cash Receipts Entry window. This will add the four columns to the Detail tab of the Cash Receipts Entry window: Debit Task, Debit Type, Credit Task and Credit Type. The values in those fields can be modified.
- If this toggle is not checked, but the Project Management Interface toggle is checked, the Project Management task and type codes will still be passed to the Project Management module, but they will not display in the Enter Cash Receipts window.
- This toggle is only available when Project Management Interface toggle is checked.
- Check the Require operator reauthentication toggle if you want to require cash receipts operators to re-enter their login credentials before opening the Cash Entry window.
- When this toggle is checked, CR operators will log in to the application as usual, but will be prompted to log in again when attempting to open the Cash Entry window. This provides an additional level of security.
- Check the Enable KVS tax interface toggle to enable Springbrook's interface with the KVS tax system.
- This will enable the KVS Tax Interface URL and KVS Tax Type Code fields to the right. This will also enable the KVS Tax Search window, accessible through the Enter Receipts window.
- Enter a Warning Threshold if you would like the system to warn users when they are attempting to save a receipt with a receipt date that falls outside of the specified date range.
- For example, enter 365 if users should be warned before saving receipts with receipt dates that fall more than one year in the past or future.
- The maximum threshold is 10 years - 3,650 days.
- Select a Default Payment Method from the drop-down menu. When a receipt is generated in the Cash Entry window, the default payment method will populate on each payment line item. This is just a default value and can be modified as the payment is received. For example, if you select CASH as your default payment method, CASH will populate on each payment line item made in the Cash Entry window. If the payment is made by check, the user will be able to modify the selection from CASH to CHECK. Select the payment method that you use most often in order to reduce data entry.
- The KVS Tax Inteface URL and KVS Tax Type Code fields are used to set up the interface between Springbrook and the KVS Tax System. These fields will only be enabled if the Enable KVS tax interface toggle is checked and must be populated to enable the interface.
- The KVS Tax Interface URL field is used to enter the URL of the web service interface that communicates with the KVS system. This URL will be provided by Springbrook during the implementation of the interface.
- The KVS Tax Type Code field is used to specify a Springbrook type code that will be used to track all KVS tax-related activity.
- This is a misc. type code that will be used to create receipts in Springbrook. Most users will create a new type code, perhaps named something like KVSTAX, to fulfill this purpose. When attaching GL accounts to this type code, be aware that they will be overridden by the GL accounts specified in the KVS Tax system.
- The Provide Full Detail for field is used to select which ALFRE designations will create full detail journal entries when receipts are generated in CR Cash Receipts.
- The ALFRE designation of a GL account type is set up in GL Maintenance Account Type. You can view which account type is attached to a general ledger account in GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts> General tab> Account Type field.
- Highlight the ALFRE designations that you would like to create detailed journal entries. You can select more than one ALFRE designation by holding down CTRL or SHIFT while highlighting your selections.
3 Set up an optional CivicPay Pad credit card terminal.
- The CivicPay Pad tab is used to configure an optional point-of-sale CivicPay Pad credit card terminal that allows users to generate credit card terminal payments directly in Cash Receipts. Organizations that would like to use the credit card interface will need to:
- Implement CivicPay, Springbrook's payment processing solution.
- Establish a Merchant Agreement with Bluefin, Springbrook's credit card processing partner.
- Purchase the PAX A80 credit card terminal from Bluefin.
- Once these prerequisites are complete, the settings on this tab can be configured with assistance from Springbrook. Please contact the Springbrook Support Team for more information on setting up a CivicPay Pad credit card terminal.
4 Track any changes made to the CR Setup window.
- Click the Audit Trail icon to open the Audit Trail window.
- Use the Search Criteria section to sort the displayed audit trail.
- The Audit Trail History section will provide details about any changes made to the setup window including the date of the change, type of change made, user that made the change, and data table that was edited.
- Click the Save icon when the setup is complete.