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PM Task Group Maintenance

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The Task Group Maintenance window is used to create and maintain task groups. Task groups are used as templates when creating new tasks in the Task Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Task). When a task is created, the information attached to the task group will populate on the new task.

When a task is created, it is assigned a task code. The task code number is composed of two parts: task group and sub-task, and the format of those parts is defined in the Setup window (PM> Utilities> Setup> Task 1 Format and Task 2 Format fields). The task group entered in the task code number functions like a template because the information attached to the task group (PM> Maintenance> Task Group) will populate on the task code. The sub-task represents a unique occurrence of the task group. For example, task code 500-0001 represents task group 500 and sub-task 00001.

When creating a new task in the Task Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Task), if you enter a new task group, the new task group will be created in the Task Group Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Task Group).

Step by Step


1    View the task groups.

  • Select a task group in the data grid and the Edit Task Group section will populate with the information attached to the selected task group.
  • Select a task group and click DELETE to delete the selected task group.
  • Click the Create Task Group button to create a new Task Group. This will create a new line item in the data grid and open the Create Task Group section to the right.


2    Create or modify a task group.

  • The values in the DescriptionBegin DateEnd DateProjectMisc 1Misc 2, and Misc 3 fields will populate on tasks created using the task group entered in the Task Group Code field.
  • Enter a code in the field labeled Task Group Code.
    • The format/character length of the Task Group Code field is defined in the Setup window (PM> Utilities> Setup> Task 1 Format field).
    • When a task is created using the code entered in this field, the information attached to the task group will populate on the task.
  • Enter a description of task group in the Description field.
    • When tasks are created using this task group the description will populate on the task, but you will be able to modify the value. For example, if you enter “General Engineering” in the Description field, “General Engineering” will populate on the task but you will be able to customize the description to read “General Engineering – Main St. Sewer.”
  • Enter a date in the Begin Date and End Date field if all tasks of this task group begin and end on a specific date.
  • The Project field is used to attach a project to the task group.
    • Projects are the highest level of the PM module hierarchy (Projects> Task> Task Group and Sub-Task), and generally represent an entity that is associated with many different tasks. The Task by Project Report will display tasks grouped and totaled by the project.
    • Projects are created and maintained using the Project Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Project).
  • The Misc 1Misc 2, and Misc 3 fields are used to add miscellaneous information to the task group. Click the field search buttons   to select the miscellaneous information from a list.
    • The miscellaneous fields are used to create user defined sub-categories on task codes. These miscellaneous fields can be used to sort and filter reports in the Project Management module.
    • Miscellaneous information is maintained in the Miscellaneous Maintenance windows (PM> Maintenance> Misc 1, Misc 2, Misc 3).
  • Click SAVE when complete to save the task group.
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