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PM LEMS Maintenance

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LEMS codes are attached to PM module type codes and are used to group the information on Project Management module reports. L (Labor), E (Equipment), M (Materials), and S (Services) are the basic codes but many organizations add an R for revenue and a W for wages.

LEMS codes are also attached to an ALFRE designation (Asset, Liability, Fund Balance, Revenue, and Expense). The ALFRE designation attached to a LEMS code will affect the journal entry generated in the Time/Materials Entry process. For example, if a time entry is created to increase the task code total, the GL account on the time entry will be credited if the LEMS code has a revenue ALFRE designation. If the LEMS code has an expense ALFRE designation, the GL account on the time entry will be debited.

Step by Step

1     View the LEMS codes.

  • Select a LEMS code in the data grid and the fields in the Edit LEMS section will populate with the information attached to the selected LEMS code.
  • Select a LEMS code and click DELETE to delete the code.
  • Click the Create LEMS button to create a new LEMS code. This will create a line item in the data grid.


2     Create or modify a LEMS code.

  • Enter the new LEMS code in the LEMS Code field. This field only allows one alphanumeric character.
  • Enter a description of the LEMS Code in the Description field.
    • The code description can be up to 30 alphanumeric characters long.
  • Use the ALFRE drop-down menu to select an associated GL account type for the LEMS code.
    • When time/materials entries are created in the Time/Materials process (PM> Time/Materials Entry), the ALFRE designation attached to the LEMS code will affect the journal entry created by the process.  For example, if a time entry is created to increase the task code total, the GL account on the time entry will be credited if the LEMS code has a revenue ALFRE designation. If the LEMS code has an expense ALFRE designation, the GL account on the time entry will be debited.
  • Click SAVE when complete.
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