Once an AP module Invoices batch has been created, use the Invoices step (AP> Invoices> Invoices) to create invoices and add them to the batch. The invoices can be created from purchase order line items if you use the Purchase Orders module or they can be created from scratch. If you would like to create an invoice from a purchase order, the AP module setup will affect which purchase orders can be invoiced. If the Force Receiving toggle is checked on the Setup window (AP> Utilities> Setup> Invoices tab), you can only invoice purchase order quantities that have been received using the PO Receiving process (PO> Receiving).
The Attachment icon on the Edit Invoices window (AP> Invoices> Invoices> Open or create an invoice) is used to attach documents to specific invoices. When you click the Attachments icon, the Attachments Selection window will display all of the documents attached to a specific invoice number. The documents attached to the vendor or other invoices will not display in the window. If you do not attach invoice numbers to invoices, all of the documents attached to invoices will display in the Attachments Selection window.
Step by Step
1 Open or create an AP Invoices batch.
- Create a new AP Invoices batch or select a batch from the batch number drop-down menu at the top of the AP Invoices palette. If the batch has been processed past the Invoices step, the batch will be reset to the Invoices step and you will have to regenerate any reports that have already been processed in the batch.
- You will also have to set the payment date of the invoices in the batch in the Settings step (AP> Invoices> Settings).
- Open the Invoice Selection window (AP> Invoices> Invoices). The Invoice Selection window will display all of the invoices in the batch.
- Press INSERT or click the Create icon to add a new invoice to the batch. This will open the Edit Invoices window.
2 Create an invoice.
- The Edit Invoices window is used to create invoice line items and the information in the window can be filtered by invoice number.
- For example, if there are two entries in the window and they are both attached to the same invoice number, each entry in the window is an invoice line item of a single invoice.
- If there are two entries in the window and they are attached to different invoice numbers, each entry is an invoice line item for a separate invoice (or represents two invoices).
- This is important because the Payment Date is attached to the invoice, not the invoice line item.
- If there is a discount set up on a vendor record (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Terms and Discount Percentage field), the discount will be applied if the terms value is less than the payment date minus the invoice date set up on each invoice line item.
- The Tab Order icon at the top of the window is used to adjust the tab order of the Edit Invoices window.
- The Invoice Displayed drop-down menu allows you to filter the invoice line items that display in the Edit Invoices window by invoice number.
- This field will be enabled when you select a vendor in the Vendor Number field. The Invoice Displayed drop-down will populate with the invoice numbers attached to the selected vendor.
- The Vendor Number field is used to select the vendor paid on an invoice. Click the Vendor Number field label to select a vendor from a list or enter a vendor number in the field.
- If you attach a purchase order to the invoice, the purchase orders that display in the selection window will be filtered by the vendor selected in this field.
- If there is an AP Invoice message attached to the selected vendor, an information window will open and display the message.
- Invoice messages are attached to AP module vendors using the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> Message Alerts tab> Invoice Message field).
- The Vendor Name field will automatically populate with the vendor name associated with the vendor number selected above.
- If the selected vendor is set up with a Max Amount limit (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Max Amount field), the system will validate that the invoice will not exceed that total value.
- Organizations that utilize Tag functionality can control which vendors individual Springbrook users can assign to an invoice.
- The Purchase Order field is used to generate invoice line items using purchase order line items created in the Purchase Order module. Click the Purchase Order field label to select a purchase order from a list.
- If you selected a vendor in the Vendor Number field, the purchase orders that display in the Select Purchase Order window will be filtered by that vendor number.
- The Select Purchase Orders window will only display the following:
- Committed purchase orders - You cannot invoice a purchase order that is in an open Purchase Orders (PO> Purchase Orders) or Change Orders batch (PO> Change Orders).
- Open purchase order line items - Purchase order line items that have been invoiced and/or closed will not display. If all of the purchase order line items on a PO have been invoiced, the PO will not display in the window. If you would like to reopen a closed purchase order line item, or a closed purchase order, use the Change Orders process (PO> Change Orders).
- Purchase orders of the same fiscal year as the AP Invoices batch - The fiscal year of a purchase order is set up during the Settings step of the Purchase Orders process (PO> Purchase Orders> Settings> Fiscal Year field). The fiscal year of the AP Invoices batch is defined during the Setting step of the Invoices process (AP> Invoices> Settings> Fiscal Year field).
- You can move a purchase order from the previous fiscal year to the current fiscal year using the Roll Over Purchase Orders process (PO> Roll Over POs).
- Click an Expand button next to a purchase order to display the line items associated with that PO.
- Check the Selected toggle of the line items you would like to include on the invoice.
- The Quantity to Pay column displays the number of units on the purchase order that will be paid on the invoice. The value in this column will default to the total quantity on the invoice, but you can change this value if you would like to invoice only a portion of the purchase order line item. For example, if there are 25 units on the purchase order line item but you would only like to invoice 15 of those units, change the value in the Quantity to Pay column from 25 to 15.
- The Invoiced Quantity column displays the quantity that has been invoiced on committed AP invoices. Quantities that have been added to uncommitted invoices will not be included in this total.
- The Quantity column displays the total number of units on the purchase order.
- The Received Quantity column displays the quantity that has been received in the Purchase Orders module (PO> Receiving).
- If the Force Receiving toggle is checked on the Setup window, you can only invoice purchase orders that have been received using the Receiving process in the Purchase Orders module (PO> Receiving).
- The Payment Date field will populate with the payment date entered on the Settings window (AP> Invoices> Settings> Payment Date field). Modify the date in this field if the default value does not apply.
- The payment date applies to the invoice, not the invoice line item. For example, if there are two entries in the Edit Invoices window with the same invoice number, they are two line items for the same invoice. The payment date entered on one of the invoice line items will be applied to the other.
- When you pay invoices in the Computer Checks process, you can select invoice for payment by the payment date.
- You can also run the Outstanding Invoices Report (AP> Reports> Outstanding Invoices) to view a list of outstanding invoices by payment date. This report allows you to view a list of invoices that should be paid on a specific date.
- The Reference field is an optional field. This field is only enabled after you select a vendor.
- You can attach a reference number to each unique invoice number on the vendor. For example, if there are two invoice entries in the Edit Invoices window and each entry is for a separate invoice number, you can enter a unique reference number for each line item that is attached to a unique invoice number.
- If the Overwrite blank descriptions with reference on commit toggle on the Setup Accounts Payable window (AP> Utilities> Setup Accounts Payable) is checked, the value in the Reference field will populate in the Description field of each line item that is blank.
- The Author field will populate with the author of the invoice.
- Enter a home department number or click the Home Department field label to open the Department Selection window. Here you will have access to all departments that have been created in the database. Click any of these departments to populate the Home Department field in the Entry Maintenance window.
- Departments are created and maintained in the Department Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Departments).
- The Base Amount field will display the total base amount of the invoice line items on the invoice.
- The Discount Amount field will display the total discount applied to all of the invoice line items.
- If there are discount terms attached to the vendor record, those terms will be applied to the invoice when it is saved. Discount terms are added to vendor records using the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Terms and Discount fields).
- The Handling Amount field will display the total handling amount on the invoice line items.
- The Tax Amount field will display the total tax on the invoice line items.
- The Tax field on the invoice line item will only be enabled if the Taxable toggle is checked.
- The Total Amount field will display the total amount of all line items on the invoice, including discounts, handling and tax.
3 Add line items to the invoice.
4 Commit the Invoices batch.